הקלטה של פרזנטציה באירוח הפורום האירי למדעי האקלים (ICSF). האירוע נערך ב-21 בינואר 2021.
Dr John R Christy is the Distinguished
Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science
Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Since November 2000 he has
been Alabama's State Climatologist. In 1989 NASA’s Dr Roy W Spencer (now a
Principal Research Scientist at UAH) and Dr Christy developed a global
temperature dataset from microwave data observed from satellites. For this
achievement, the team was awarded NASA's Medal for Exceptional Scientific
Achievement in 1991. In 1996, they were selected to receive a Special Award by
the American Meteorological Society "for developing a global, precise
record of earth's temperature from operational polar-orbiting satellites."
In January 2002, Dr Christy was inducted as a Fellow of the American
Meteorological Society. Dr Christy has
served as a Contributor and Lead Author
in several IPCC Reports. Dr Christy has also provided testimony to several
congressional committees. He was recently appointed to the US EPA’s Science
Advisory Board.
תגובה 1:
זה בדיחה או מה?
מדובר על כנס מלפני יותר משנה.
רק השנה כולנו חזינו בנזקי משבר האקלים בגלי החום באירופה
הוסף רשומת תגובה